Friday, November 20, 2009


Hello Everyone, this is just a quick note to introduce another friend of mine – Annie Wiseman – who is a facilitator of Access Consciousness: The Source for Ultimate Change. I have mentioned Access Consciousness to some of you but this is more about what I think is interesting about Access. The material taught in Access is of a very high quality. For those of you who are interested in expanding consciousness Access always brings with it a great outcome. From my point of view it has taken many of the repetitive patterns that have been in place in my life and transformed them - permanently. I think we all know what patterns they are – after all the previous blog post was about the witch hunts!

For those of you who have taken my courses you will know that I speak regularly about bringing the energy into the physical and working with the physical body. This comes directly from my own experience. One of the most extraordinary trials for me has been to integrate and meld my spiritual experience with my physical body. It has been a regular feature of the sisterhood work. After all we have often had to separate ourselves from our bodies in order to survive – and we all know exactly how that feels! Annie is the most important of the practitioners who has helped me work through this issue and the Access work has brought with it very powerful results.

Annie lives on the same beautiful island where I reside. She is able to talk to anyone anywhere in the world on Skype – she is also a skilled naturopath specialising in herbal medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. Sometimes a consultation includes both. What about getting in touch with Annie today and revitalising your body, mind and spirit? What possibilities are there if you take this step today? It will save you a lot of time on the journey as the results are evident quickly and, as I mentioned, they are permanent.
For more about Annie please email her at

Friday, November 13, 2009


Our sister Gabriella at the Ring of Brodgar, in front of the Goddess Stone

THE NOTE SAID - For all those women lost who knew their own power and threated the dominance of the male church. Rest in peace. Gabriealla


During the energetic opening of the rose portal yesterday we were released from many of our past ties as members of the Sisterhood of the Rose. This release did not come without a great deal of effort. Recently one of the Sisters went to Scotland. This is her story.
“I recently went to Scotland not knowing why, at first. Over months there
became many reasons for the trip. To honor my ancestors and visit the Ring
of Brodgar for this. To visit the Rosslyn chapel and pray for my family and
many others. To meet the man I met online in March, who lives in
Scotland. Then, the more I felt, read, and heard..I knew there had been a
terrible number of women burned there, most particularly in Edinburgh by
the castle.
When I first saw the city from the plane, my heart called to go straight to the
hills not the city. However, I felt a call to honor the sisters first.
I was gifted a kind, protective guardian for the trip who lives in Scotland and
met my plane. He and I went to the city together for the trip to the castle.
I bought a red rose to leave at the memorial, and wrote a note which said;
"For all those women lost, who knew their own power, and threatened the
dominance of the male church. Rest In Peace. Gabriella."
The memorial to the women is on the side of a building, just inside the
Esplanade at the castle. They were burned there, just outside the castle,
and in one photo there is an orange glow (so far unexplained.)
The memorial to the women reads;
"This fountain designed by John Duncan is near the site on which many
witches were burned at the stake. The wicked head and serene head
signify that some used their exceptional knowledge for evil purposes while
others were misunderstood and wished their kind nothing but good. The
serpent has the dual significance of evil and of wisdom. the foxglove spray
further emphasizes the dual purpose of many common objects."
I left my note and rose there. I felt I had done what was meant to be done.
It was all I was meant to do in that city, and then leave it. The rest of
Scotland calling me onward. For an amazing journey, wonderful
company..later having an experience of "transcending" while in the beautiful
Glen Esk.
So Scotland gifted me back, to a place beyond where I have ever been. I
am beyond words, but I know my heart is full and at peace.
From Susan
Thank you Susan for your wonderful work! From the Sisterhood of the Rose!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009



The opening of the Rose Portal today followed on from work that was undertaken over five years ago when this portal was discovered and activated. It has been a sensational journey for all concerned and to have this happen today has verified what the Sisterhood has been about for all this time.
In the next few days I will be posting an article about all of these developments and how it has happened from the Sisterhood’s viewpoint. Included in that article will be mention of the journey one Sister undertook recently to Scotland where she worked to dissipate the energy of the witch hunts there. In Scotland they were worse than almost anywhere else in Europe.
The legends of the past will propel us forward now to find our seed pod partner our twin flame in this existence. It will happen for those are ready in this physical existence, so should you be amongst those undertaking this work prepare yourself for the time is now!
I will be pleased to answer any questions that people may have about this wonderful day.
With best wishes for a tremendous journey
From Cris

Monday, November 9, 2009




Recently I received added information concerning the rose family with whom we are associated which I thought may be of interest. It certainly has come through at a very powerful time – remember a rose portal is opening on 11.11. Those of you who have been working with this energy for some considerable time will also know and appreciate that the rose portal has been opened before. We did this over five years ago and, as you have taken up the course, you have opened your rose portal yourself at the appropriate time. And so it is intriguing so see the more public opening of the portals occurring. It is time for the general public to be more aware now and it seems as if this is how it is manifesting. So do not be caught up in the moment simply notice and watch and feel the energy as this transference happens.

The new information that I received recently simply showed me that our branch of the sisterhood was the rainbow rose branch. It seems so unusual to think that the knowledge of the sisterhood has held this vital piece of information in trust up until this moment. What might this mean? How does this affect you? How does it affect me? The combination of the image of the rainbow with the rose is a mighty one. The rainbow has been a favourite component of mythology throughout history – a bridge to the heavens, a messenger to the gods, mystic entity, shimmering path and many more. And roses – well we all know that roses are nature’s most perfect and diverse expression of beauty, passion and potential. They express exquisite love, power and royalty and at the same time these roses prod us with their thorns and move us to a state of self-empowerment.

It may be important for you to revisit your own rose portal connection now. Please remember if you will that YOU are the portal itself. And so to find your rainbow rose connection and your personal portal you may wish to use the following declaration of intention:

Unending stairs reach up the green mountain above us
And we climb together now while the welcoming voices
Cheer us along
They make the long climb easier
The gift we are bringing may to us seem small
But it is not
Now is the time for us
To receive our divine inheritance
The gift is unique - it is our sacred essence
Now hear all the cheering
As we walk through the Rose Portal
And enter the Golden City
See how full the streets are
Of happy people!
We take our time
Making our way ever upwards
Steadily towards what awaits
Through this day's blind radiance
To the city's perimeter
And we fall up the last few steps

Into the beautiful sky.

Please let me know how this works for you.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you a friend of mine, Christine Brennan, who is a talented artists and who, with her SoulArt Visions, is providing unique individual portraits that activate and expand aspects of the soul for remembrance. Chrissie has agreed to put her talents to work with us – she is developing a series of amazing fractal art images to orchestrate light body activations related to the initiations of the Sisterhood of the Rose. I am extremely grateful to her as having these images will mean a more direct form of access to the initiatory experience for the members of the Sisterhood. Please have a look at her web site to order any fractal art images and contact her by email for further information. I will be updating my web site to reflect this new connection in the very near future. In the meantime you will see at the top of this blog update Chrissie’s sacred illumination to facilitate the connection with the sisterhood. I shall also include the sacred illumination to facilitate connection with the opening of the rose portal.

With best wishes to all from Crissie Henderson

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hello Everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce a friend of mine, Brenda Kay. Many of you may already know Brenda. You may have worked with her before. For those who do not know Brenda here is a short introduction to her work. One of the key words in what she says here, I think, is the word ‘witness’ – yes, Brenda was and still is a witness to the work of the sisters.

Brenda Kay is a world renowned spiritual and visionary artist, healer and Light Worker and has been working professionally in this field for a period of 16 years. Her work has led her to travel extensively especially in UK, Australia and USA. Her beautiful and sensitive portraits of spiritual guides are executed in pastel on high quality A3 paper at a cost of AUD $110. Brenda is delighted to now offer past life portraits to the Sisters of the Rose and looks forward to connecting with the Sisterhood in this intimate and tangible way.

When asked about her personal connection to the Sisters of the Rose, Brenda replied, "So far I have not yet been moved to join the Sisterhood. However, the energy of this beautiful group resonates very strongly and deeply within me. Perhaps I have always been a supporter - a witness to the wonderful work that you do. One day, when the time is right I am sure I will receive more information. about my role over the centuries and indeed within this life.

For further information and to view examples of Brenda's work, please browse or contact her directly at Ph. (07) 3410 0401 or Mob. 0401 223 420.

Recently I had the great pleasure of receiving my portrait through Brenda. In all my sisterhood meditations and links into the past lives of the Sisterhood I had still never been able to ‘see’ myself. I am including a copy of this beautiful portrait which emerged as a combination of strength and positive energy. My portrait is as I was at the time of the crucifixion when we worked closely to support and protect Mother Mary.

Just one further piece of information. - Brenda does not need to see you in person. She only needs contact and a few details and she will be able to find you as you were.

Receiving this portrait made me ask myself questions about the past. And then I wondered -what is the purpose of seeing myself as I was in my past connections in the sisterhood ?

The portrait helped me to access deep group memories. These are our memories as members of the sisterhood and the brotherhood of the rose. It is time to release and transform these memories now. There is no need to carry them on any further than this point in time. It is time for release and transformation and to take up the full potential of our lives in the physical here and now. This is actually one of the key elements of my course ‘The Gathering of the Goddess.’ And so, Brenda’s portrait is a portal to that other world – enhancing our understanding and aiding our entry.

Any feedback is most welcome. Best wishes to all.

Saturday, October 17, 2009





Recently I heard from a sister who could enlighten us more about the history of the sisters and the crystal skulls. This is what she had to tell us.

‘throughout history and most recently with the approach of 2012crystal skulls have been brought to attention are there 13 skulls when reunited--the world will ascend-that is the proposed myth--time will tell

there are many timeless ones-another name for the skulls-and their caretakers-who are awakening--who will aid in the transformation before us--this is a serious path of service to all life forms on Gaia--the path of the rose rays

crystal skulls are crystal light thought forms--crystal is a living energy consciousness--the skull form was adopted--to represent our higher nature
the crystals skulls are record keepers of history and transformers of energy

we use them respectfully in energy grid work at sacred power spots and ley lines to aid in clearing densities with their light and raise the vibration--

they are also used in guidance--not so much in personal issues but in working with the overall good of others

we--the sisters and brothers involved in this facet of service--work in the background--quietly without need of recognition as this rose ray service is inspired from the heart--we come from all over the world-many paths but are hearts serve as one
all ayah”

Any feedback would be most welcome

Monday, July 20, 2009


THE HEART OF THE MATTER-the next phase in the legend of the rose.

THIS is the heart of the matter - finding the twin flame energy and incorporating it into our physical lives is currently one of the major tasks of certain sections of the Sisterhood of the Rose - not every member of the sisterhood is involved but there is a core who remain completely immersed in this activity. There is no need for you to identify yourselves unless you wish to talk with me further about this energetic interplay. By now you will know whether you are involved in this surge of activity or not.

For those who are involved this is the situation. At the moment there is the need for an increase in the level of our energetic connection with our twin flame energy. It is currently quite a frustrating situation as the majority of those involved are presently experiencing a subtle disconnection. Certainly this disconnection can feel more than this description suggests, particularly when physical separation is an integral part of the disconnect. This can and will change but only if we keep the faith and create our own significant and special portals to that twin flame, the one with whom we inhabited the original seed pod.

One of the major reasons for the disconnection with our twin flame is still linked with past life activity. There may be a myriad of past lives involved or just one - but for most of us I believe the Second World War past life is one of the most radical. It is still affecting us in a mighty mix of grief merged with the legend and myths of the sisterhood and the brotherhood. We have to clear this anger and grief before we are going to be able to move on AND MAKE THE FULL CONNECTION! And the time is now in this month July and in next month - August 2009. August of course is going to be a very powerful month - it always is but this year perhaps even more so. There is another factor, one that I have only recently come upon myself – we once again need to clear the energy of our family tree. Many of you have done this with me more than once, delving deeper and deeper, but now is the time for the completion of this section of our work. Once again please do contact me should you need assistance with this movement and change.

My way of releasing and transforming this past life energy is through the writing of a novel, fiction of course, about those events. I do not want to spoil the book but there are a couple of things I can mention. We carried the information and knowledge of the sisterhood within our physical bodies - FOR EACH OF US THE SPOT IS PROBABLY DIFFERENT. Have you found it in your physical body? Again I am happy to assist you to reach into this energy and we can discuss the various tools that can transform it. Please contact me at your earliest opportunity. In the meantime please enjoy the journey!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hello everyone - This entry on my blog introduces Mary Shaw to those of you who do not know her - please consider coming to Mary’s Beyond Oneness seminars. Should you do so I know that you will not be disappointed. Mary is my Seichim and Reiki master and we have worked together over many years. She has the ability and the power to surprise all of us – so come and join in the Beyond Oneness seminars. I will be there in Adelaide – it will certainly be fun. All the best from Cris

Mary Shaw


Beyond Oneness is a 3 part series of experiential seminars
facilitated 3 months apart. The 3 month space between each
seminar allows the multidimensional energies of the Soul to
merge and move you through the Gateways to the State of
Consciousness known as:


Mary is an experienced facilitator and has the ability to initiate
change on All levels. She has worked in the alternative Energy
field for over thirty five years in many different arenas and will
provide you with a safe passage into the conscious state of


Mary’s passion is working with the Multi dimensional Matrix of
the Soul.

Seminar Dates:
Part one
SA Adelaide 10th -11th Oct. 2009
WA Busselton 17th -18th Oct.
Bunbury 24th - 25th Oct. 2009
NSW Sydney February 2010

For more details
Contact Mary 08 97544231

Wednesday, June 3, 2009



The information coming to light about the Sisterhood is bringing with it emphasis on past lives and the role of the Sisters and the Brothers of the Rose in such past existences. These past lives may just be a mighty mix of legend and myth but whatever they are they do seem to be ringing bells of awareness for those who are walking the rose energy path. Recently a book came to my attention as books do – this one brought in the energy of the Sisters and Brothers in a wartime experience in occupied France during the Second World War. It is called ‘Light of the Moon’ by Elizabeth Buchan. The blurb on the book says ‘Evelyn St. John has been parachuted into France to link up with the Resistance. Paul von Hoch’s brief, as a member of the German Intelligence, is to track down enemy spies. Suddenly the battle lines shift between patriotism and a deeper truth.’
The deeper truth is something that is emerging when members of the Sisterhood and the Brotherhood re-meet. Sometimes such a meeting can involve the emergence of the Twin Flame energy – if this happens then there is an extraordinary bolt of unimaginable power that lifts the situation beyond the normal. I would be most interested to hear any opinions that you may have about this book and the general reunion exercise. Has it been happening to you? What experiences can you share with us? As Evelyn says in the book ‘I thought loving someone was simple. It isn’t. Glorious, yes. Painful, yes. Unforgettable, yes. Simple, no. It took me the war to find out...’[1]

[1] Pan Books 1991. ISBN: 0 330 343467


At the time of the Fall of Atlantis many of the sisters who escaped and went in the first instance to Avalon carried with them a crystal skull. I wonder if anyone has any memories of the skull they carried and how it was used in the sisterhood? If so could you please contact me. For those of you who do not know it is possible to get a set of crystal skull cards – they are really very interesting indeed. Contact me if you need further details.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


As you know I have been asking those who have information about the Sisterhood to share how they came to know about it on my blog. This has come from a Sister in the United States. She writes as follows –

“I have been practicing and learning energy techniques since 1993. First starting with therapeutic touch, and then to Healing touch. I have now completed Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry Advanced Healer program.

I was at one of the workshops, the one called "listening to spiritual guidance". We were in a room working on each other. One of us on the table, the other at the feet. I was at the feet, and looked around the room for a moment.A room full of healers working on healers. In silence, respectfully and lovingly. It was at this time that I heard, in my way, just as plain as if spoken...the words, "tHIS, IS THE SISTERHOOD OF THE ROSE".

Never had I heard of any sisterhood or of the rose. I went online when I got home, and found to my amazement, Cris' site about the sisterhood. I feel this connection in my soul, and from the past. It feels to be coming forward from deep within us because the world needs this energy.

I am dedicated to the healing of others, but I was led to do the healing of my own heart in Ireland over the last three years. The Goddess energy there has truly blessed me. Healing my self worth, and giving up the need for another, complete in myself.

The sisterhood of the rose asks this of me, I believe. For to help the others, our own work must be done.
The world needs the healing of individual hearts, the sister and brotherhood is needed to help complete this as best as we are able.

Gabriella Rose

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sacred poetry


Legend has it that sacred poetry as an art form was used by the Sisterhood of the Rose in Atlantis. It can be described as an intimate expression of personal religion.
In its revived form its purpose remains the same - to link individuals using it to a special ray of energy allied with an intensity of feeling. When this conjunction takes place the energy changes for the better.
Sacred poetry is active affirmation and each person will react to it differently.
If you would like a unique poem created for your personal needs as a self contained unit of sacredness please contact me. This poetry can be given as a gift to others, it can be used to celebrate special occasions or to facilitate your own personal change programme. Should you wish me to prepare a sacred poem for you please email me with the details. Each poem costs AUD $55.00.

Cris Henderson

Saturday, May 9, 2009


The abundance initiations of the Sisterhood of the Rose are now available. When the members of the Sisterhood were in Atlantis they had an uncanny ability to play with the energy of abundance. Such games were always accomplished with a great deal of generosity of spirit, fun and laughter.
As you may already know the encodings we have carried in our physical bodies down through the centuries are at the stage of progressive release. We are now ready to remember how it was when first we came to this planet – our wings are unfurling – they are spreading – we are ready to fly again!
My task with these initiations is simply to help you to remember what you already know. For further information please do not hesitate to contact me – Cris Henderson
All the best for your unique journey from Crissie Hendo


There are many interesting developments regarding the Sisterhood at the moment so much so that I have been unable to write quickly enough to keep in touch with everyone about them. Of most interest to me is the number of new and different people who have been in contact with me recently – people from all over the world but mostly from the US. The energy is certainly changing and moving and shifting constantly and consistently. The number of people who have been told by someone else in a reading or who have experienced their own personal dreaming has tripled. I am constantly surprised myself by the energy – and I have been working with it for over fifteen years!
There have been more rather astounding developments on sacred poetry since last I wrote. Those who have experienced the use of the poetry as a declaration of intention have had some remarkable results. One of the Sisters from America described the distance education course – I called it ‘The Gathering of the Goddess as many of you would know – as an ‘accelerator.’ Taking the full ‘Gathering of the Goddess’ course certainly is an ‘accelerator.’ The understanding of our role in Atlantis and beyond is simply sensational and I am still in awe of the process. Together with this it seems that the sacred poetry seems to have taken up the role of accelerator in an even more intensive form – hard to describe it really.
I have sent the following piece out to some of you however it seems important to put it on the blog for everyone to see – so here it is!
Hello everyone,
Have you been thinking lately that you would like to shift the energy around you and move forward?
Have you been experiencing a sensation of being totally stuck?
Are you brave enough to welcome change into your life?
Are you ready to experience something totally different?
For many years I have been teaching and using the rose energy, a delightful combination of reiki and seichim. In my travels I came across sacred poetry and I began to use this medium as a form of energetic declaration of intention. I found that the energy embodied in the poetry could change lives rapidly and permanently without using symbols, signs or any of the other tools of the rose energy. In other words it is an energetic shortcut of major proportions.
Sacred poetry can also be described as an intimate expression of personal beliefs. In its revived form its purpose remains the same - to link individuals using it to a special ray of energy allied with an intensity of feeling so that they remember their true origins and reclaim their sacred power. When this conjunction takes place the energy changes for the better, particularly as you use the declarations to reclaim all aspects of who you really are.
Does the possibility of a personal sacred poem resonate with you? Would you like to order one for a friend to celebrate a special occasion perhaps? If so please contact me – Cris Henderson – or phone me on 61-(07)-3410 1194.
Many years ago I read an anthology by George Trevelyan about the use of poetry in expanding consciousness.
Now some 20 years on, I have been privileged to have received a number of sacred poems written by Cris Henderson which are on a par with these earlier poets and bring an added dimension of the feminine essence in the awakening of our mind.
Her words bring to the present moment, the energy that is required to shift and change any situation. Her insight and skill is remarkable as she allows consciousness to emerge from the lines.She illuminates the essence of Spirit that pervades all things and, in doing so, creates the possibility for transformation in peoples’ lives. The words live and breathe on the page and will resonate with whatever healing energy you require.Cris Henderson performs magic with her poetry and I highly recommend these treasures to continue the age-old use of poetry in the awakening of consciousness.
Annie WisemanMSc. BA(Hons)Medical HerbalistFacilitator of Access Energy Transformation

Some of you probably remember the ringmaster in Atlantis – he was the one who belittled the Sisters of the Rose, making us dance and shame ourselves publicly. To our shame we did it even though if we had all worked together we might at least have resisted him if only for a time.
The ringmaster in Atlantis is part of our re-dreaming of the role of the Sisters and the Brothers of the Rose. He has been coming up over the past few months, both in dreams and in memories. Re-meeting the ringmaster in this life is certainly a major issue and I have had loads of calls and emails, which, when examined, showed his re-emergence amongst us in this life.
Meanwhile the reunions continue – many of you are writing to me about your own twin flame experiences – all these reunions are a reflection of the massive energy of reunion and oneness that is available to us right now. Above all do not give up on this energy – it is one of the most testing of the energies that we have experienced to date – and the reunion is becoming an amazing and wonderfully happy occasion for many at all sorts of levels.
Should you wish to know more please do not hesitate to contact me by email as we can certainly discuss it in more depth. It just might be the right energy at the right time for you to transform. Perhaps I can help.

Best wishes to you all and happy journeying
Crissie Hendo


This is an invitation to all those who are in concert with the energy of the Sisterhood of the Rose to write to me with their experiences - particualry how you came to be in touch with this beautiful energy. i would like to be able to share what you send to me on my blog - I think this is now the time for more interaction between our group. please specify when you do send information that it is ok with you for me to publish it on this blog - or specify if you would like me to talk toyou about the context of your message before I share it.

Thank you all so much and I look forward to your responses.