Friday, November 13, 2009


Our sister Gabriella at the Ring of Brodgar, in front of the Goddess Stone

THE NOTE SAID - For all those women lost who knew their own power and threated the dominance of the male church. Rest in peace. Gabriealla


During the energetic opening of the rose portal yesterday we were released from many of our past ties as members of the Sisterhood of the Rose. This release did not come without a great deal of effort. Recently one of the Sisters went to Scotland. This is her story.
“I recently went to Scotland not knowing why, at first. Over months there
became many reasons for the trip. To honor my ancestors and visit the Ring
of Brodgar for this. To visit the Rosslyn chapel and pray for my family and
many others. To meet the man I met online in March, who lives in
Scotland. Then, the more I felt, read, and heard..I knew there had been a
terrible number of women burned there, most particularly in Edinburgh by
the castle.
When I first saw the city from the plane, my heart called to go straight to the
hills not the city. However, I felt a call to honor the sisters first.
I was gifted a kind, protective guardian for the trip who lives in Scotland and
met my plane. He and I went to the city together for the trip to the castle.
I bought a red rose to leave at the memorial, and wrote a note which said;
"For all those women lost, who knew their own power, and threatened the
dominance of the male church. Rest In Peace. Gabriella."
The memorial to the women is on the side of a building, just inside the
Esplanade at the castle. They were burned there, just outside the castle,
and in one photo there is an orange glow (so far unexplained.)
The memorial to the women reads;
"This fountain designed by John Duncan is near the site on which many
witches were burned at the stake. The wicked head and serene head
signify that some used their exceptional knowledge for evil purposes while
others were misunderstood and wished their kind nothing but good. The
serpent has the dual significance of evil and of wisdom. the foxglove spray
further emphasizes the dual purpose of many common objects."
I left my note and rose there. I felt I had done what was meant to be done.
It was all I was meant to do in that city, and then leave it. The rest of
Scotland calling me onward. For an amazing journey, wonderful
company..later having an experience of "transcending" while in the beautiful
Glen Esk.
So Scotland gifted me back, to a place beyond where I have ever been. I
am beyond words, but I know my heart is full and at peace.
From Susan
Thank you Susan for your wonderful work! From the Sisterhood of the Rose!


Anonymous said...

How did the note stay on the fountain on such a windy day?

Anonymous said...

I think Gabriealla done the sisters proud, especially in this maile dominated world,
I'm surprised she didn't get accused of being a witch!

Anonymous said...

this makes me so mad.
i was there.
I am learning now about how to undo pain in myself so i can go outdoors with my magick now and help. The healers of the world unite, bring across a positive change in the US to allow for a global healing.

sistersoftherose said...

Anonymous please let us know why are you so mad?