Monday, July 20, 2009


THE HEART OF THE MATTER-the next phase in the legend of the rose.

THIS is the heart of the matter - finding the twin flame energy and incorporating it into our physical lives is currently one of the major tasks of certain sections of the Sisterhood of the Rose - not every member of the sisterhood is involved but there is a core who remain completely immersed in this activity. There is no need for you to identify yourselves unless you wish to talk with me further about this energetic interplay. By now you will know whether you are involved in this surge of activity or not.

For those who are involved this is the situation. At the moment there is the need for an increase in the level of our energetic connection with our twin flame energy. It is currently quite a frustrating situation as the majority of those involved are presently experiencing a subtle disconnection. Certainly this disconnection can feel more than this description suggests, particularly when physical separation is an integral part of the disconnect. This can and will change but only if we keep the faith and create our own significant and special portals to that twin flame, the one with whom we inhabited the original seed pod.

One of the major reasons for the disconnection with our twin flame is still linked with past life activity. There may be a myriad of past lives involved or just one - but for most of us I believe the Second World War past life is one of the most radical. It is still affecting us in a mighty mix of grief merged with the legend and myths of the sisterhood and the brotherhood. We have to clear this anger and grief before we are going to be able to move on AND MAKE THE FULL CONNECTION! And the time is now in this month July and in next month - August 2009. August of course is going to be a very powerful month - it always is but this year perhaps even more so. There is another factor, one that I have only recently come upon myself – we once again need to clear the energy of our family tree. Many of you have done this with me more than once, delving deeper and deeper, but now is the time for the completion of this section of our work. Once again please do contact me should you need assistance with this movement and change.

My way of releasing and transforming this past life energy is through the writing of a novel, fiction of course, about those events. I do not want to spoil the book but there are a couple of things I can mention. We carried the information and knowledge of the sisterhood within our physical bodies - FOR EACH OF US THE SPOT IS PROBABLY DIFFERENT. Have you found it in your physical body? Again I am happy to assist you to reach into this energy and we can discuss the various tools that can transform it. Please contact me at your earliest opportunity. In the meantime please enjoy the journey!


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