Thursday, December 11, 2008



This is different to my usual posts - I don't know how many of you know that I am caring for my husband who had a stroke. I want to share a recent experience with you so that you and those whom you love or care for are alerted to the issues surrounding the use of Botox.

The use of Botox as a muscle relaxant for those who have experienced stroke purportedly helps to reduce abnormal muscle contractions. Botox or disport is produced by Clostridium botulinum, in other words botulism. Whilst the consumer medicine information clearly states that all medicines have risks and benefits it is time for the risks in this treatment to be more clearly understood by its recipients. For example, if you think about this treatment more closely it could be argued that the use of Botox introduces poison directly into an already depleted system.
At a public hospital my husband received 11 injections into his left arm at one sitting without prior warning – naively we supposed as a result of the initial interview that there would be one injection. We were certainly not advised to the contrary. Until the time of the Botox injection my husband had been recovering remarkably well from his stroke – his progress astounded even the medical profession. Just before the Botox incident he and I travelled to Switzerland and for eight days he was part of a joyful group travelling by train through this delightful country. Now I am worried about him walking around the block on his own. Since the Botox injections his health immediately went backwards – and his confidence was severely dented. His leg, which was improving before the treatment, deteriorated in its inner strength and muscle tone. Granted the left hand has achieved some movement, however if we had been given the risks and benefits of the treatment properly – and if we had been told the number of injections involved – we would never have agreed to its implementation.

If you or your loved one is asked to undertake Botox injections for stroke please question the treatment very closely indeed. Do not let your lives be damaged as ours was by a treatment that is both inhumane and totally inadequate. My husband has now recovered after a lot of help and the clearing of the chemical imprint which was necessary so that his body could achieve its fullest potential. It was certainly an experience that neither of us will ever forget.

Please let me know if you have any experiences about complementary medicine and stroke or if you are a carer for someone who has had a stroke - I would certainly like to know about your experiences too.
Best wishes from Cris

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