Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sister of the Rose - Chrissie Mac


Many of you will already know that one of our special sisters – Chrissie Mac – passed away before Christmas. Chrissie was a devoted member of the sisterhood. She saw everyone she met who was involved as a fellow being with whom she had a long-standing communication dating over centuries. Chrissie understood the importance of the myths and legends about the Sisterhood that we were discovering - - she lived the myths with me and I will miss our long late night phone calls more than I can say.
Chrissie and I have been together in many other lifetimes – we used to remember them together, recalling the details and learning and understanding from those details what was happening in our lives in this incarnation. Chrissie was a Reiki and Seichim Master and an amazing healer. I count myself fortunate when I say that I am her Seichim Master and that I initiated her with a great deal of joy several years ago.
When my husband first had his stroke Chrissie was one of the healers who helped with his recovery. Without her help he may not have survived. What she did for me was put me in touch with a wonderful naturopath in Lismore who helped me diagnose the nature and extent of my thyroid problem. Once the in-depth tests were done, tests that the medical profession did not bother to do no matter how often they were asked, she rang me with the results. I can remember that she told me I had at best a year to live unless some drastic action was taken. I knew in my heart what she was saying was right – I had known I was very ill indeed for a long time. The naturopath put me in touch with a wonderful doctor in Brisbane – someone qualified in complementary medicine as well – I have begun to thrive again thanks to the natural thyroid replacement therapy that I receive now – made up by a compounding chemist to my exact requirements.
How do you thank someone who has saved your life – all I know is that I did not thank her enough whilst she was here on earth–I know she will understand what I am saying to her now and I am sure she will hear me. I have been dreaming lately that there is a coffee shop just inside the gates of heaven. I know when I reach it Chrissie will be there waiting for me – bless you Chrissie Mac and happy journeying!

Thursday, December 11, 2008



This is different to my usual posts - I don't know how many of you know that I am caring for my husband who had a stroke. I want to share a recent experience with you so that you and those whom you love or care for are alerted to the issues surrounding the use of Botox.

The use of Botox as a muscle relaxant for those who have experienced stroke purportedly helps to reduce abnormal muscle contractions. Botox or disport is produced by Clostridium botulinum, in other words botulism. Whilst the consumer medicine information clearly states that all medicines have risks and benefits it is time for the risks in this treatment to be more clearly understood by its recipients. For example, if you think about this treatment more closely it could be argued that the use of Botox introduces poison directly into an already depleted system.
At a public hospital my husband received 11 injections into his left arm at one sitting without prior warning – naively we supposed as a result of the initial interview that there would be one injection. We were certainly not advised to the contrary. Until the time of the Botox injection my husband had been recovering remarkably well from his stroke – his progress astounded even the medical profession. Just before the Botox incident he and I travelled to Switzerland and for eight days he was part of a joyful group travelling by train through this delightful country. Now I am worried about him walking around the block on his own. Since the Botox injections his health immediately went backwards – and his confidence was severely dented. His leg, which was improving before the treatment, deteriorated in its inner strength and muscle tone. Granted the left hand has achieved some movement, however if we had been given the risks and benefits of the treatment properly – and if we had been told the number of injections involved – we would never have agreed to its implementation.

If you or your loved one is asked to undertake Botox injections for stroke please question the treatment very closely indeed. Do not let your lives be damaged as ours was by a treatment that is both inhumane and totally inadequate. My husband has now recovered after a lot of help and the clearing of the chemical imprint which was necessary so that his body could achieve its fullest potential. It was certainly an experience that neither of us will ever forget.

Please let me know if you have any experiences about complementary medicine and stroke or if you are a carer for someone who has had a stroke - I would certainly like to know about your experiences too.
Best wishes from Cris

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I am going to keep you up to date on this blog about my adventures with Access Consciousness. Access is dynamite. I credit Access with making me interested in writing about money and abundance. It all began when I did the course on the Bars some time ago – I simply needed a break from a very demanding routine and went along to relax – and that is exactly what I did – however I could not remember much about it afterwards except that it was very relaxing. And so when a friend of mine decided to take it further herself and become a facilitator I decided to go along for the ride. And what a ride it has been! Firstly I did the Bars again – this time I remembered much more about it – and then went along for the Foundation and Level One. During these courses I cleared an amazing amount of ‘stuff’ but the essence of it was that I cleared it very quickly indeed- much more quickly than with the other methods that I have used.
During this period I began to use some of the Access mantras and I was delighted with them. The ones that I developed and put on my wall so that I would see them every day were similar to Declarations of Intention. Just to give you a flavour for them the first one that I used was
I said this mantra three times a day ten times each – and it worked – gently, slowly and persistently I began to welcome ALL OF LIFE to me – not just the easy and the so called ‘nice’ but the good, the bad and the ugly together. I realised that previously due to my circumstances I had been trying to heal my life as it was not working for me. I changed my attitude in an instant realising as I did that in this reality we have to accept the crap as well as the good and the clean and the nice. It is how we react to it that makes all the difference! A simple shift perhaps you might say – why does someone like you not know that! But sometimes when any one of us is immersed in a difficult situation it takes all one’s efforts to rise above it and it is handy to have something that can help us immediately without thought and without delay.
Well I will close this section of the Blog with another Access mantra

By using this mantra my life improves all the time. The link between Access and the Rose Energy is something that I will explore in a forthcoming blog.



If you are associated with the Rose Energy then you are different. It is time that you recognised the difference and celebrated it. You are so different that you have spent generations of time trying to fit in to this reality albeit unsuccessfully. You have invented yourself over and over again and defined yourself as a ‘kind’ of person that likes this, does not like that and so on. You have in fact created separation based on your judgment of yourself.
You have to understand that you are different. And you have to understand just how different you are. Once recognition is achieved you will can generate and create in life the greatness of you. You will show up for yourself and not for someone else, because that has been the game all along through all the centuries until you find yourself right here at this point – here and now. You have been showing up for other people and not for yourself. That is all over now.
The energy of change is moving at a great rate at this time in our history. Those who have been either members of the Brotherhood of the Rose or the Sisterhood of the Rose can make a decision and move into the happy, successful and abundant beings you truly are. The decision is yours – here is one way to progress. Contact me by e-mail or by phoning 07-34101194 in Australia or 61-7-3410 1194 and we can discuss the alchemy of abundance and how you can obtain your divine inheritance from the Rose energy.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sacred reunion

The sacred reunions of the Sisterhood and the Brotherhood of the Rose are currently under way. This is an exciting time on Planet Earth if you remember that a policy of total separation has been in place since the time of Atlantis. If you are interested in summoning your twin flame so that you too can re-meet the following sacred poem may be useful. Please do let me know how it works for you.

Silent wings
You beat in time with me
As a new day dawns
This is the moment
When I look into your eyes
Knowing we are now One
I surrender to your beingness
As I remember us in the seed pod
Our commitment
Of the purest energetic vibration
Destined to be together
For the rest of our lives
From the moment of this declaration
All other commitments
Become null and void
And are released back to the universe
For caring concern and outcomes
Of the greatest good for all concerned

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sacred Poetry

Sacred poetry is becoming more and more important in terms of energy work. With the appropriate sacred poem we can state our intention energetically and watch the flow of energy change as it comes towards us. Should you wish me to write a special sacred poem for you or for a friend - for a special occasion - or as a catalyst for change please contact me on my email or through my web site and I will be delighted to talk to you about the infinite range of possibilities