Sunday, July 17, 2011


For some time I have been wanting to send out this information to all those who are interested. At last today is the day!! My friend Viveka has written a beautiful book entitled ‘Sacred Connection.’ London, Athena Press, 2010. (ISBN: 978 1 84748 749 0) Little did I know when I first met Viveka on a journey to Peru that she had connections with the sacred rose – I should have known – and I did not find out until a little later.

The book can be purchased online from Amazon Books and is $14.95. For some strange reason they have the author listed as Viveka Viveka (double discernment!)

Viveka writes as follows about her journey and her book.

‘Sacred Connection’ is one story inside many…as they all are. It is only one small part in the journey to the truth of who we really are.

Since I was a small child I have always loved the divine feminine, my focus being Mother Mary, and I constantly chanted the rosary.
Any psychic I went to would tell me they were not able to read for me as Mother Mary was standing behind me in her blue robe, handing me a white rose.
For years I held Goddess workshops for women who had been abused to help them take back their power, and the groups were called White Rose
So to move closer to my story (this is not in the book, but is the prelude), after a series of disasters, including a mammoth heart attack, I was led to Barraba in mid NSW. Mainly because it was miles from anywhere, I would be anonymous, and a small spiritual community was beginning there. Among my “disasters” was the stock market collapse which left me penniless, but my daughter was left some money in a will and we both flew to Barraba to have a look and feel the energy. As I walked along the road early one morning I asked Divine Mother for a sign to confirm I should move there. As we (my daughter and I) turned the corner, the embankment was covered in hundreds of cut white roses! I accepted the sign and moved interstate.

I had been given a beautiful white porcelain statue of Kwan Yin which always travelled with me. Once (another story), she had shed real tears, and many of my friends had witnessed this. I was renting a house which was quite expensive when living on a pension, now my only form of income, and a tiny old 108year cottage became available as a deceased estate. I rang the agent thinking the rent for this would be much less, and he arranged an appointment with the solicitor, Paula, to discuss it. I went down on my knees in the backyard of the house and prayed to Kwan yin to help me acquire this cottage before I left for the appointment. At the interview, Paula said “You would really like to buy that house wouldn’t you?”. I replied that I had absolutely no money and it would be out of the question. She said,” I will lend you the money, the house is yours”. Now Paula did not even know my surname…no deposit…and then she had tears in her eyes and said “I don’t why but I must do this”.

That is the story of the little house in the book that was used much later to fund my travels for Spirit, and I loved it dearly.
The ritual that is described in the book is very powerful and has been used now for nearly 10 years all over the world. It connects all the sacred sites, not just those we call, for they are very powerful, but the world is covered with these points of energy and divine vibration.
We connect into the cosmic lattice, the crystalline grid, and the unity consciousness grid… (which by the way is recognized and accepted by NASA in USA). We are indeed powerful beyond measure, and our Mother needs our help and love. The sisterhood is alive and truly devoted to the task. We must not only help our mother earth, but also the feminine in the men, (who have also been women in other lives)to remember their soft gentle compassionate aspects, to help us all have the peace we seek.”
I hope that you will find the meaning in the ritual and its esoteric symbolism touches your heart.

Love and light, and many blessings,


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