Sunday, May 2, 2010

Well if you read my last blog you would know that I was going to share my gratitude index with you - that was before my computer decided in its wisdom that I was going to have an extended period of downtime to reconsider! This I did - and then it came to me that the legends of the sisterhood were something about which I was extremely grateful - to have this information and knowledge is so precious and wonderful that it superceded within me the need to express gratitude daily - and so here is the beginning of a new understanding of the myths and legends of the Sisterhood of the Rose. I am extremely grateful to be able to share this knowledge with you .


It is not possible to reduce the understanding of the secrets of the sisterhood of the rose to a simple A-Z. However it is possible to reveal the key aspects of the sisterhood legend in this way so that you, the reader, remember your own story. So just for fun let us start with the letter A. I will try to do this regularly and look forward to comments – this is the legend encapsulated in our alphabet so much will be omitted – here goes -

A stands for Atlantis, Avalon and also for the perils of experimentation in the hell hole of Auschwitz.

In the beginning members of the Sisterhood came from Sirius to Atlantis. In the mythical kingdom of Atlantis this group of goddesses worked at their craft, perfecting it and using their skills to weave the magic of their mystery school. They interfaced in Atlantis with the Brotherhood of the Rose. This interface was not always happy and it began a long running difficulty with the male energy as expressed by our links with the Brotherhood. This difficulty persisted down through the centuries and has only recently been fully cleared. It has brought up for us in this life demanding situations which have involved males and the depth of our relationships with these particular males. You can tell when you meet one of these men – even now when the energy has been cleared – there is stiffening in the air – an electric crackle that is not about love – it is about rivalry, betrayal, poisoning, torture, death and any manner of other things that cause difficulties and emotional trauma of all kinds to say the least!

Often we found ourselves locked into situations where we worked for these males – how could we have done this to ourselves once again we asked when we began to suspect the truth?
Even worse sometimes we were foolish enough to mistake the electric crackle in the air for love and we married these men only to wonder why we were so desperately unhappy – there were always periods of calm when the relationship worked – and then came the despair, the loneliness and the wondering – why did I do this, why am I with this person? Oh, yes this has been our collective pattern down through the centuries and some are still going through the depth of this awful pain. Some sisters even went so far as to have children with these men and the children produced along with the love and the sensitivity depths of pain we did not think was possible any more. Others were perhaps more sensible and moved on before the children came onto the scene – they had a glimmer of the legend to support their feelings – only a glimmer that was enough to warn them. However those who did run always seemed to feel that they were only one step ahead of this energy or if you wish to describe it this way - the enemy – truth is we were. We have been running to escape the pain of this energy most of our current lives!

At the fall of Atlantis we escaped – we swam some of us with the magic of our seal friends and we were saved – others set sail in small boats collectively or ventured out on that ocean all alone. It was a time of great sadness as we all, wherever we were and however we made this journey, looked back and saw Atlantis burn – do you remember this? It was a dreadful time of loss and sadness as we sailed away into the unknown. Do you remember that feeling – sometimes it seems we have that feeling again as we sail into new territory in this new life of ours? We headed for the sacred shores of the goddess country. We were drawn there – we moved heaven and earth to reach there as we knew this was our land and here we would be safe and here we could begin again.

The energy of the purity and magic of Avalon is reaching us again today – it is curling through the air and we can feel it and experience it once we open our hearts to it. It is this energy, the energy of the goddess that is coming in a pure stream towards us and into our beings right now. The energy of the goddess is saving us from even more of the agony we have experienced. And please do not think that the messages that your bodies may be giving you are not connected. They are – remember when you left Atlantis – remember what you did? Yes, you concealed in your body, your beautiful goddess body, the secrets of the sisterhood – if your knees are playing up right now chances are this is where the secrets were embodied. Or have you had a twinge or two in your neck – the neck was a favourite place for concealment. Or even the eyes – here you could reduce the secrets to a small chip and hide them effectively – or so you believed. So perhaps it is time to acknowledge how clever you were to bring this information and knowledge with you into this present environment – and perhaps it is time for you to release and to share what you know about this extraordinary journey of the goddess.

On the sanctuary of Avalon some sisters became the guardians of the wells – the well was the link to the underworld where we learnt even more than we had known in Atlantis – here we journeyed with the members of the faery kingdom who introduced us to their knowledge which we integrated with our own – and here we worked in full partnership with the faery race. This is not the faery race that we see in popular literature and movies today – this is the lineage that is ancient and holy and known in all its wonder and glory to us for which we are eternally grateful. Here we met and interfaced with all the members of the Holy Alliance. Here we began something that we need to remember in order to improve every aspect of our lives today – and so perhaps as you read these words you too will remember and you will feel moved enough to write on this blog your experiences to share with other members of the Sisterhood of the Rose. And so until next time when the blog will cover another A - Auschwitz.

And to facilitate the re-connection with our true selves the following question may be used to great effectiveness – what can I choose today that will allow more of me to show up?
I look forward to your comments.
Cris Henderson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found the website entitled, "Sisterhood of the Rose" on 11-11-09 (the Rose Portal). I have been drawn (that's putting it mildly!), to roses every since my mother who died when I was 10 (I'm in my 50's), came to me through physics etc. and said to remember the white rose. My whole house is roses-I've looked up every conceivable organization like this but never found it until now. When I went to Glastonbury, I sat at the Chalice Well during the Fall Equinox and felt so connected as though I'd been there before-so sacred,so familiar (a butterfly sat on my shoulder the whole ceremony they had there). I called Rosaline Temple and after a few conversations she initiated me into the Sisterhood. There is so much more to tell. I idenify with everything you said ( I think I married the enemy-he almost killed me). My new business is called, "The Crystal Rose", and I'm not sure what all I'll be doing, but I will be led. Thank you so much for putting the word out-I knew you sister's were there somewhere, I just couldn't find you until now. Darlene