Wednesday, November 11, 2009



The opening of the Rose Portal today followed on from work that was undertaken over five years ago when this portal was discovered and activated. It has been a sensational journey for all concerned and to have this happen today has verified what the Sisterhood has been about for all this time.
In the next few days I will be posting an article about all of these developments and how it has happened from the Sisterhood’s viewpoint. Included in that article will be mention of the journey one Sister undertook recently to Scotland where she worked to dissipate the energy of the witch hunts there. In Scotland they were worse than almost anywhere else in Europe.
The legends of the past will propel us forward now to find our seed pod partner our twin flame in this existence. It will happen for those are ready in this physical existence, so should you be amongst those undertaking this work prepare yourself for the time is now!
I will be pleased to answer any questions that people may have about this wonderful day.
With best wishes for a tremendous journey
From Cris


Jan said...

Thank you Chris for this post. I will be with you, dear Sister of the Rainbow Rose, on this special day for all 11:11:11
Love, Light and Blessings to you
Rose Light Blessings

Jan said...

Thank you Chris for this post. I will be with you, dear Sister of the Rainbow Rose, on this special day for all 11:11:11
Love, Light and Blessings
Rose Light Blessings

linda said...

just some personal reflections, for the pst few years-like many i have consiously gone thru period of clearing and releasing parts of my light being, the period before this portal was particually intense challenging me with issues i thought i cleared-as i went thru this portal-i have a sense of rebirth and a stronger sense of being a portal of light--content to be-without the densities and dramas. amazing times

sistersoftherose said...

The fractal art showed me a new way of perceiving the energy - thank you for displaying these sacred images. John from Perth