Friday, November 20, 2009


Hello Everyone, this is just a quick note to introduce another friend of mine – Annie Wiseman – who is a facilitator of Access Consciousness: The Source for Ultimate Change. I have mentioned Access Consciousness to some of you but this is more about what I think is interesting about Access. The material taught in Access is of a very high quality. For those of you who are interested in expanding consciousness Access always brings with it a great outcome. From my point of view it has taken many of the repetitive patterns that have been in place in my life and transformed them - permanently. I think we all know what patterns they are – after all the previous blog post was about the witch hunts!

For those of you who have taken my courses you will know that I speak regularly about bringing the energy into the physical and working with the physical body. This comes directly from my own experience. One of the most extraordinary trials for me has been to integrate and meld my spiritual experience with my physical body. It has been a regular feature of the sisterhood work. After all we have often had to separate ourselves from our bodies in order to survive – and we all know exactly how that feels! Annie is the most important of the practitioners who has helped me work through this issue and the Access work has brought with it very powerful results.

Annie lives on the same beautiful island where I reside. She is able to talk to anyone anywhere in the world on Skype – she is also a skilled naturopath specialising in herbal medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. Sometimes a consultation includes both. What about getting in touch with Annie today and revitalising your body, mind and spirit? What possibilities are there if you take this step today? It will save you a lot of time on the journey as the results are evident quickly and, as I mentioned, they are permanent.
For more about Annie please email her at

Friday, November 13, 2009


Our sister Gabriella at the Ring of Brodgar, in front of the Goddess Stone

THE NOTE SAID - For all those women lost who knew their own power and threated the dominance of the male church. Rest in peace. Gabriealla


During the energetic opening of the rose portal yesterday we were released from many of our past ties as members of the Sisterhood of the Rose. This release did not come without a great deal of effort. Recently one of the Sisters went to Scotland. This is her story.
“I recently went to Scotland not knowing why, at first. Over months there
became many reasons for the trip. To honor my ancestors and visit the Ring
of Brodgar for this. To visit the Rosslyn chapel and pray for my family and
many others. To meet the man I met online in March, who lives in
Scotland. Then, the more I felt, read, and heard..I knew there had been a
terrible number of women burned there, most particularly in Edinburgh by
the castle.
When I first saw the city from the plane, my heart called to go straight to the
hills not the city. However, I felt a call to honor the sisters first.
I was gifted a kind, protective guardian for the trip who lives in Scotland and
met my plane. He and I went to the city together for the trip to the castle.
I bought a red rose to leave at the memorial, and wrote a note which said;
"For all those women lost, who knew their own power, and threatened the
dominance of the male church. Rest In Peace. Gabriella."
The memorial to the women is on the side of a building, just inside the
Esplanade at the castle. They were burned there, just outside the castle,
and in one photo there is an orange glow (so far unexplained.)
The memorial to the women reads;
"This fountain designed by John Duncan is near the site on which many
witches were burned at the stake. The wicked head and serene head
signify that some used their exceptional knowledge for evil purposes while
others were misunderstood and wished their kind nothing but good. The
serpent has the dual significance of evil and of wisdom. the foxglove spray
further emphasizes the dual purpose of many common objects."
I left my note and rose there. I felt I had done what was meant to be done.
It was all I was meant to do in that city, and then leave it. The rest of
Scotland calling me onward. For an amazing journey, wonderful
company..later having an experience of "transcending" while in the beautiful
Glen Esk.
So Scotland gifted me back, to a place beyond where I have ever been. I
am beyond words, but I know my heart is full and at peace.
From Susan
Thank you Susan for your wonderful work! From the Sisterhood of the Rose!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009



The opening of the Rose Portal today followed on from work that was undertaken over five years ago when this portal was discovered and activated. It has been a sensational journey for all concerned and to have this happen today has verified what the Sisterhood has been about for all this time.
In the next few days I will be posting an article about all of these developments and how it has happened from the Sisterhood’s viewpoint. Included in that article will be mention of the journey one Sister undertook recently to Scotland where she worked to dissipate the energy of the witch hunts there. In Scotland they were worse than almost anywhere else in Europe.
The legends of the past will propel us forward now to find our seed pod partner our twin flame in this existence. It will happen for those are ready in this physical existence, so should you be amongst those undertaking this work prepare yourself for the time is now!
I will be pleased to answer any questions that people may have about this wonderful day.
With best wishes for a tremendous journey
From Cris

Monday, November 9, 2009




Recently I received added information concerning the rose family with whom we are associated which I thought may be of interest. It certainly has come through at a very powerful time – remember a rose portal is opening on 11.11. Those of you who have been working with this energy for some considerable time will also know and appreciate that the rose portal has been opened before. We did this over five years ago and, as you have taken up the course, you have opened your rose portal yourself at the appropriate time. And so it is intriguing so see the more public opening of the portals occurring. It is time for the general public to be more aware now and it seems as if this is how it is manifesting. So do not be caught up in the moment simply notice and watch and feel the energy as this transference happens.

The new information that I received recently simply showed me that our branch of the sisterhood was the rainbow rose branch. It seems so unusual to think that the knowledge of the sisterhood has held this vital piece of information in trust up until this moment. What might this mean? How does this affect you? How does it affect me? The combination of the image of the rainbow with the rose is a mighty one. The rainbow has been a favourite component of mythology throughout history – a bridge to the heavens, a messenger to the gods, mystic entity, shimmering path and many more. And roses – well we all know that roses are nature’s most perfect and diverse expression of beauty, passion and potential. They express exquisite love, power and royalty and at the same time these roses prod us with their thorns and move us to a state of self-empowerment.

It may be important for you to revisit your own rose portal connection now. Please remember if you will that YOU are the portal itself. And so to find your rainbow rose connection and your personal portal you may wish to use the following declaration of intention:

Unending stairs reach up the green mountain above us
And we climb together now while the welcoming voices
Cheer us along
They make the long climb easier
The gift we are bringing may to us seem small
But it is not
Now is the time for us
To receive our divine inheritance
The gift is unique - it is our sacred essence
Now hear all the cheering
As we walk through the Rose Portal
And enter the Golden City
See how full the streets are
Of happy people!
We take our time
Making our way ever upwards
Steadily towards what awaits
Through this day's blind radiance
To the city's perimeter
And we fall up the last few steps

Into the beautiful sky.

Please let me know how this works for you.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you a friend of mine, Christine Brennan, who is a talented artists and who, with her SoulArt Visions, is providing unique individual portraits that activate and expand aspects of the soul for remembrance. Chrissie has agreed to put her talents to work with us – she is developing a series of amazing fractal art images to orchestrate light body activations related to the initiations of the Sisterhood of the Rose. I am extremely grateful to her as having these images will mean a more direct form of access to the initiatory experience for the members of the Sisterhood. Please have a look at her web site to order any fractal art images and contact her by email for further information. I will be updating my web site to reflect this new connection in the very near future. In the meantime you will see at the top of this blog update Chrissie’s sacred illumination to facilitate the connection with the sisterhood. I shall also include the sacred illumination to facilitate connection with the opening of the rose portal.

With best wishes to all from Crissie Henderson