Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sacred reunion

The sacred reunions of the Sisterhood and the Brotherhood of the Rose are currently under way. This is an exciting time on Planet Earth if you remember that a policy of total separation has been in place since the time of Atlantis. If you are interested in summoning your twin flame so that you too can re-meet the following sacred poem may be useful. Please do let me know how it works for you.

Silent wings
You beat in time with me
As a new day dawns
This is the moment
When I look into your eyes
Knowing we are now One
I surrender to your beingness
As I remember us in the seed pod
Our commitment
Of the purest energetic vibration
Destined to be together
For the rest of our lives
From the moment of this declaration
All other commitments
Become null and void
And are released back to the universe
For caring concern and outcomes
Of the greatest good for all concerned


Anonymous said...

As always, beautiful connection with the heart, as Cris writes her beautiful Poetry with passion.
We are all re-connecting with Atlantis and receiving back our gifts that we had at that time and it seems that Cris is feeling her connection at this early point in the earth and our evolution forward.
Well done Cris.

Anonymous said...

there is so much involved in this work - I can feel the essence of Cris when I read her poetry - post some more please Cris

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for sharing your deep wisdom with all of the Sisters of the Rose..... you, as always, have such an elegant way of sharing the sacred and energetically charged in a soft, heartfelt way that resonnates and deeply connects with me AND I know so many others.

As my spiritual coach and mentor over the past year (hard to believe it has been that long) you have guided me through such an incredible journey back to truth, remembering lifetimes and key moments that have now brought me back to the present to be shared. I can't begin to thank you for all that you have provided during this fantastic journey!!! I will forever be deeply grateful!!!

For those of you who feel drawn to the Sisterhood of the Rose- to learn more about why you are hear, and to perhaps travel the road to remember key pieces from your past lifetimes and how they relate to the present missions, Chris is a beautiful soul who can assist you on your journey. I absolutely and I unquestionably recommend her!!!!

Susan in Pennsylvania, USA