Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hello Everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce a friend of mine, Brenda Kay. Many of you may already know Brenda. You may have worked with her before. For those who do not know Brenda here is a short introduction to her work. One of the key words in what she says here, I think, is the word ‘witness’ – yes, Brenda was and still is a witness to the work of the sisters.

Brenda Kay is a world renowned spiritual and visionary artist, healer and Light Worker and has been working professionally in this field for a period of 16 years. Her work has led her to travel extensively especially in UK, Australia and USA. Her beautiful and sensitive portraits of spiritual guides are executed in pastel on high quality A3 paper at a cost of AUD $110. Brenda is delighted to now offer past life portraits to the Sisters of the Rose and looks forward to connecting with the Sisterhood in this intimate and tangible way.

When asked about her personal connection to the Sisters of the Rose, Brenda replied, "So far I have not yet been moved to join the Sisterhood. However, the energy of this beautiful group resonates very strongly and deeply within me. Perhaps I have always been a supporter - a witness to the wonderful work that you do. One day, when the time is right I am sure I will receive more information. about my role over the centuries and indeed within this life.

For further information and to view examples of Brenda's work, please browse or contact her directly at Ph. (07) 3410 0401 or Mob. 0401 223 420.

Recently I had the great pleasure of receiving my portrait through Brenda. In all my sisterhood meditations and links into the past lives of the Sisterhood I had still never been able to ‘see’ myself. I am including a copy of this beautiful portrait which emerged as a combination of strength and positive energy. My portrait is as I was at the time of the crucifixion when we worked closely to support and protect Mother Mary.

Just one further piece of information. - Brenda does not need to see you in person. She only needs contact and a few details and she will be able to find you as you were.

Receiving this portrait made me ask myself questions about the past. And then I wondered -what is the purpose of seeing myself as I was in my past connections in the sisterhood ?

The portrait helped me to access deep group memories. These are our memories as members of the sisterhood and the brotherhood of the rose. It is time to release and transform these memories now. There is no need to carry them on any further than this point in time. It is time for release and transformation and to take up the full potential of our lives in the physical here and now. This is actually one of the key elements of my course ‘The Gathering of the Goddess.’ And so, Brenda’s portrait is a portal to that other world – enhancing our understanding and aiding our entry.

Any feedback is most welcome. Best wishes to all.

Saturday, October 17, 2009





Recently I heard from a sister who could enlighten us more about the history of the sisters and the crystal skulls. This is what she had to tell us.

‘throughout history and most recently with the approach of 2012crystal skulls have been brought to attention are there 13 skulls when reunited--the world will ascend-that is the proposed myth--time will tell

there are many timeless ones-another name for the skulls-and their caretakers-who are awakening--who will aid in the transformation before us--this is a serious path of service to all life forms on Gaia--the path of the rose rays

crystal skulls are crystal light thought forms--crystal is a living energy consciousness--the skull form was adopted--to represent our higher nature
the crystals skulls are record keepers of history and transformers of energy

we use them respectfully in energy grid work at sacred power spots and ley lines to aid in clearing densities with their light and raise the vibration--

they are also used in guidance--not so much in personal issues but in working with the overall good of others

we--the sisters and brothers involved in this facet of service--work in the background--quietly without need of recognition as this rose ray service is inspired from the heart--we come from all over the world-many paths but are hearts serve as one
all ayah”

Any feedback would be most welcome