Friday, May 29, 2009

Sacred poetry


Legend has it that sacred poetry as an art form was used by the Sisterhood of the Rose in Atlantis. It can be described as an intimate expression of personal religion.
In its revived form its purpose remains the same - to link individuals using it to a special ray of energy allied with an intensity of feeling. When this conjunction takes place the energy changes for the better.
Sacred poetry is active affirmation and each person will react to it differently.
If you would like a unique poem created for your personal needs as a self contained unit of sacredness please contact me. This poetry can be given as a gift to others, it can be used to celebrate special occasions or to facilitate your own personal change programme. Should you wish me to prepare a sacred poem for you please email me with the details. Each poem costs AUD $55.00.

Cris Henderson

Saturday, May 9, 2009


The abundance initiations of the Sisterhood of the Rose are now available. When the members of the Sisterhood were in Atlantis they had an uncanny ability to play with the energy of abundance. Such games were always accomplished with a great deal of generosity of spirit, fun and laughter.
As you may already know the encodings we have carried in our physical bodies down through the centuries are at the stage of progressive release. We are now ready to remember how it was when first we came to this planet – our wings are unfurling – they are spreading – we are ready to fly again!
My task with these initiations is simply to help you to remember what you already know. For further information please do not hesitate to contact me – Cris Henderson
All the best for your unique journey from Crissie Hendo


There are many interesting developments regarding the Sisterhood at the moment so much so that I have been unable to write quickly enough to keep in touch with everyone about them. Of most interest to me is the number of new and different people who have been in contact with me recently – people from all over the world but mostly from the US. The energy is certainly changing and moving and shifting constantly and consistently. The number of people who have been told by someone else in a reading or who have experienced their own personal dreaming has tripled. I am constantly surprised myself by the energy – and I have been working with it for over fifteen years!
There have been more rather astounding developments on sacred poetry since last I wrote. Those who have experienced the use of the poetry as a declaration of intention have had some remarkable results. One of the Sisters from America described the distance education course – I called it ‘The Gathering of the Goddess as many of you would know – as an ‘accelerator.’ Taking the full ‘Gathering of the Goddess’ course certainly is an ‘accelerator.’ The understanding of our role in Atlantis and beyond is simply sensational and I am still in awe of the process. Together with this it seems that the sacred poetry seems to have taken up the role of accelerator in an even more intensive form – hard to describe it really.
I have sent the following piece out to some of you however it seems important to put it on the blog for everyone to see – so here it is!
Hello everyone,
Have you been thinking lately that you would like to shift the energy around you and move forward?
Have you been experiencing a sensation of being totally stuck?
Are you brave enough to welcome change into your life?
Are you ready to experience something totally different?
For many years I have been teaching and using the rose energy, a delightful combination of reiki and seichim. In my travels I came across sacred poetry and I began to use this medium as a form of energetic declaration of intention. I found that the energy embodied in the poetry could change lives rapidly and permanently without using symbols, signs or any of the other tools of the rose energy. In other words it is an energetic shortcut of major proportions.
Sacred poetry can also be described as an intimate expression of personal beliefs. In its revived form its purpose remains the same - to link individuals using it to a special ray of energy allied with an intensity of feeling so that they remember their true origins and reclaim their sacred power. When this conjunction takes place the energy changes for the better, particularly as you use the declarations to reclaim all aspects of who you really are.
Does the possibility of a personal sacred poem resonate with you? Would you like to order one for a friend to celebrate a special occasion perhaps? If so please contact me – Cris Henderson – or phone me on 61-(07)-3410 1194.
Many years ago I read an anthology by George Trevelyan about the use of poetry in expanding consciousness.
Now some 20 years on, I have been privileged to have received a number of sacred poems written by Cris Henderson which are on a par with these earlier poets and bring an added dimension of the feminine essence in the awakening of our mind.
Her words bring to the present moment, the energy that is required to shift and change any situation. Her insight and skill is remarkable as she allows consciousness to emerge from the lines.She illuminates the essence of Spirit that pervades all things and, in doing so, creates the possibility for transformation in peoples’ lives. The words live and breathe on the page and will resonate with whatever healing energy you require.Cris Henderson performs magic with her poetry and I highly recommend these treasures to continue the age-old use of poetry in the awakening of consciousness.
Annie WisemanMSc. BA(Hons)Medical HerbalistFacilitator of Access Energy Transformation

Some of you probably remember the ringmaster in Atlantis – he was the one who belittled the Sisters of the Rose, making us dance and shame ourselves publicly. To our shame we did it even though if we had all worked together we might at least have resisted him if only for a time.
The ringmaster in Atlantis is part of our re-dreaming of the role of the Sisters and the Brothers of the Rose. He has been coming up over the past few months, both in dreams and in memories. Re-meeting the ringmaster in this life is certainly a major issue and I have had loads of calls and emails, which, when examined, showed his re-emergence amongst us in this life.
Meanwhile the reunions continue – many of you are writing to me about your own twin flame experiences – all these reunions are a reflection of the massive energy of reunion and oneness that is available to us right now. Above all do not give up on this energy – it is one of the most testing of the energies that we have experienced to date – and the reunion is becoming an amazing and wonderfully happy occasion for many at all sorts of levels.
Should you wish to know more please do not hesitate to contact me by email as we can certainly discuss it in more depth. It just might be the right energy at the right time for you to transform. Perhaps I can help.

Best wishes to you all and happy journeying
Crissie Hendo


This is an invitation to all those who are in concert with the energy of the Sisterhood of the Rose to write to me with their experiences - particualry how you came to be in touch with this beautiful energy. i would like to be able to share what you send to me on my blog - I think this is now the time for more interaction between our group. please specify when you do send information that it is ok with you for me to publish it on this blog - or specify if you would like me to talk toyou about the context of your message before I share it.

Thank you all so much and I look forward to your responses.